Fond Memories

Contributed by Heidi Hallman

I am thankful to have many cherished memories of Nate. Nate joined our small knit FM program July 2015 and he soon became a friendly face around my desk. I will hold our conversations, hugs and smiles always. I count it a privilege when our residents choose to share themselves with me over their two years of residency. Nate often arrived for work just after me…he’d come in from riding his bike, ask me about my day, I’d give him a quick hug and send him off to clinic. Nate was so excited one day last fall when he sat down at my desk and asked me to help him plan some time off so he could join Kristy on a work trip to Hawaii. I was so excited that this opportunity came up for the two of them. A highlight around CFFM was when Nate and Kristy would bring Peanut for a cuddle.

I got back to my desk today after being away on holidays last week to find a gift, card and picture of Peanut left by Nate on his last day of residency Mon, Sept 18. I am grateful that I hugged him 2-3 times before I left for holidays and made sure he knew how much we appreciated him and how well loved he is.

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