All The Things You Never Knew You Were Teaching Us

Contributed by Katie Dalziel

As difficult as it was to chose just one memory of Nate, this particular moment early on in our friendship stands out to me for many reasons.

At one of our first soccer games together Nate and I were side by side on the defensive line. It was a comfort to have him there, knowing I could count on him to back me up, a sentiment that would hold true beyond the pitch and throughout our friendship to follow.

On one particular play, I was taken out at the ankles by a male player. As I was getting up, I heard someone run up behind me and say, “Watch it buddy, you hit her again and you’ll have to deal with me”. It was Nate. Up to this point, and in the years following, I’d never heard Nate raise his voice to anyone. It wasn’t until much later that I reflected on this moment, and realized how true it rang to Nate’s approach to his friendships.

He was fiercely loyal to those he cared about, someone you could always count on to have your back even if you didn’t know you needed it. It is rare to meet someone like Nate, a endless competitor with more compassion and kindness than most, qualities that often outshine one another, but in Nate worked in harmony. Combine that with a witty sense of humour and it’s no wonder he was such an inspiring friend, athlete, physician, husband, son, brother and every other title he held in his life.

I’ll never forget all the things you never knew you were teaching us all, love you buddy.

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