‘Mo Bro’

Contributed by Julianna Sienna

Nathan Roth was my ‘Mo Bro’, my frisbee tutor (I wasn’t that great but he kept letting me play), our secret baking helper, a fellow Kunu killah and someone whose smile always put one on my face.

He was one of my friends whom I would go to for advice. If my own family member or friend had a medical problem and I wasn’t sure what to do about it, I knew I could ask for his help. In my own times of distress, he was comforting and confident. He was never self-assured, but exuded a quiet confidence that made so many trust him and rely on him so easily.

Most of all, I will never forget how much Nate loved Kristy and his family. He was an example to all of us to tell your loved ones what they mean to you everyday. He was clearly such a great big brother to Emily and he loved her so much and spoke about her and Geoff with such pride and excitement. He respected & appreciated his parents so much. It was easy to see what an amazing family unit they were when Emily, Lori & Dennis came up for Nate’s 007 birthday. It was obvious how much they supported one another and made each other so happy. He and Kristy practiced joy everyday. There’s is what you call a BIG LOVE. It was almost palpable in any room with the two of them. I will always be in awe of that. I am so grateful for him that he had a life filled with so much love, and that that allowed him to face everyday with bravery, strength and determination.

I will cherish the many many memories we made. From the first time he walked me home during frosh week, nights on the dance floor at weddings, frisbee & soccer games, pizza nights in the Toronto apartment during radiation, Waterloo brunches, walks with Peanut, to our night out playing laser tag against zombies just a few days ago. I will remember all the joy he brought to our lives and of all the kindness he showed me. He will always be remembered and all of our lives have been made more special for having had him a part of them.

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