Focusing on the Positives

Contributed by Fiona Clarke You didn't have to know Nate well to know that he was a good person through and through. He always had a sunny disposition and a gentle way of making others feel at ease. Some of my last memories of Nate were in his final weeks...

Where Nate Belonged

Contributed by Shannon Fernando I distinctly remember meeting Nate for the first time. It was January of 2011, and he was interviewing with us at Queen's University for medical school. He had brought Kristy with him, and we had a lengthy discussion in the Biosciences Complex about why he should...

Nate Wins Again

Contributed by Christine Cotie There are several stories that could fit under this title including saving a friend while white water rafting without flinching, snagging the best girl around as his wife, graduating med school despite a tough road, and on and on, but here is one that is less...

Mentor Turned Friend

Contributed by Daniel Brewster Nathan Roth started out as a mentor, but soon became a great friend and colleague. Despite only knowing him for 15 months he had a profound impact on my life and the more I got to know him the more remarkable of a person I realized...

An Inspiring Team

Contributed by Ross Carter During the 4+ years I worked with Kristy at All Roads, I came to appreciate what a positive, focused, smart, capable and determined person she is. She was our first or second employee way back then and I was to learn fast how fortunate we were...

Thank You Nate

Contributed by Sarah Beech I wanted to share this story, not because I knew Nate so well - in all honesty I did not even know he was ill – but because it really exemplifies the kind of person he was at the core of his being. I had just...

Wedding Story

Contributed by Grant Goodwin As a close work colleague and friend of Kristy’s, I learned the news of Nate’s proposal very soon after he popped the question. With nothing but “boring work stuff” to otherwise discuss, Kristy and I spent more than enough time gabbing about her upcoming wedding -...

‘Mo Bro’

Contributed by Julianna Sienna Nathan Roth was my 'Mo Bro', my frisbee tutor (I wasn't that great but he kept letting me play), our secret baking helper, a fellow Kunu killah and someone whose smile always put one on my face. He was one of my friends whom I would...

All The Things You Never Knew You Were Teaching Us

Contributed by Katie Dalziel As difficult as it was to chose just one memory of Nate, this particular moment early on in our friendship stands out to me for many reasons. At one of our first soccer games together Nate and I were side by side on the defensive line....

Profoundly Kind

Contributed by Eric Juneau What I will remember most about Nate is undoubtedly his complete kindness and patience. I have met few people in my life who are as profoundly kind as he was. I have never witnessed him get mad or lose his temper even slightly. Even in stressful...