Learning From Nate

Contributed by Eve Purdy I worked with Nate closely during our six week internal medicine clerkship and during a summer research fellowship. I look back to that time exceptionally fondly. Throughout this rotation I came to appreciate his gentle style with patients and have tried to embody his generosity with...

A Superstar

Contributed by Joe Lee Nathan Roth was a resident in our family medicine program and I had the great privilege of being his main supervisor and site program director starting in 2015 in Kitchener-Waterloo. I knew from Nate’s application that he was a superstar medical student with many honours and...

A Great Teammate

Contributed by Tim Rudd Nate and I played volleyball together. One night this summer we were playing beach volleyball against the best team in our league. They crushed us quickly and we had some time to mess around before the buzzer, so we kept playing. It was super hot and...

Fond Memories

Contributed by Heidi Hallman I am thankful to have many cherished memories of Nate. Nate joined our small knit FM program July 2015 and he soon became a friendly face around my desk. I will hold our conversations, hugs and smiles always. I count it a privilege when our residents...

Setting the Pace

Contributed by David Martin I am honoured to have known Nate. At Queen's, I always knew Nate as a kind individual and a great athlete. Nate, myself, and two other classmates ran in a 10k race together, and I remember how motivating he was prior to and throughout the race,...

Poem For Nate

Contributed by Lindsay Bowman At future class reunions We share our greetings, hugs, delighted grins. Share jokes about receding hairlines, and expanding families; stories of our wins, the times we saved the day, or flubbed our hand; of lives we’ve saved, or couldn’t, or are trying. Yet, beneath it all,...

The Beta Blockers

Contributed by Alisa Loo When I moved to Kitchener-Waterloo for family medicine residency, one of the first people I met was Nate. We were new R1’s together under the mentorship of Dr. Joe Lee. The first few months of residency, Nate and I shared many clinics together. And every morning...

Classic Nate

Contributed by Ainsley Alexander I have a lot of memories of Nate, whether it was him helping me understand some frustrating respirology slide during a small group learning session, or debating whether the Packers were going to win the Super Bowl, but two things specifically stick out. The first involves...

A Place to Share Our Memories

Nate was blessed to have so many friends and family for whom he cared so deeply, and who likewise cared for him. We are all united in our adoration of Nate - so this website was created as a way to connect all of us together in his name. We’d...